At Nambour Special School, students are assigned a class with approximately 5 other students of a similar age, who have similar educational requirements. The school is divided into four cohorts: Junior Primary (5 years – 7 years), Senior Primary (8 years – 11 years), Junior Secondary (12 years – 15 years), and STEP (16+ years). Within each classroom, students will be working at their own individual level within the same learning context. Careful planning of learning experiences is translated into quality teaching, and disability-specific pedagogies are engaged to enhance student learning. Emphasis is placed on ‘real-world’ learning. Student work from the ‘known’ towards the ‘new’; and from ‘concrete’ towards more ‘abstract’ concepts as appropriate. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are embedded in all of our learning. Each classroom has an Interactive Whiteboard to enhance student engagement and learning, and iPads are used for a range of educational purposes, including communication. A range of Augmentative Communication (AAC) Systems are used in the school to facilitate student learning, including Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS); Makaton; PODDS and personal electronic communication devices, in particular Proloquo2Go.